You belong here just as much as anyone else.

Our commitment to a clean salon
01 — Non-Toxic Products
We believe in the power of plants! We don’t need harmful chemicals to have the hair we want. We need to harness the power of nature!
02 — Low Toxic Color
There is no such thing as toxin-free hair color, so we use color that has taken out all the yucky stuff and leaves only what works! Original Mineral is free from Ammonia, PPD, Resorcinol, soy, gluten and animal products . We love this brand for their commitment to making the cleanest hair color in the world!
03 — Cruelty Free
It is our belief that taking care of our planet means taking care of the animals.
04 — Recycling Program
We’ve partnered with Green Circle Salons . A recycling program specifically for salons to recycle the waste that only salons create (hair color tubes, unused hair color, haircuttings, etc). We also try to cut waste in any way we can (reusable cloths to dry hands instead of paper towels, refillable products, etc.)
06 — Sustainably Minded
Both Hairstory and Cult and King offer refillable options.
.who we are.
Joy LaMay
The Ministry was born out of 20 years in the industry, and still asking “why?”
Why do we do the same things we’ve always done, and why don’t we try to do it differently?
My vision for The Ministry stems out of my life purpose to serve hairstylists. How can we use our gifts and passions to serve those who sit in the chair, those who stand behind the chair, and our larger community and planet?
The culmination of these questions has led me to open a salon that has the best of commission, and the best of rental for the sole reason to elevate the hairdresser.
I am incredibly proud of this space, and I welcome you with open arms.